
Sunday, 22 February 2015

Blue Wizard Overdrive / Distortion Stripboard Veroboard Layout

This is the Blue Wizard - part of my "wizard" design series (Green Wizard HERE) - this is a very harmonic rich overdrive/distortion that uses 2 BC182L transistors (cause I have a load of them) - this is the same transistor used in the Brian May treble booster HERE

it has a bias pot onboard and I find it's best to adjust it till it sounds good to you.

anyway - below is a quick sound sample - the 1st bit is the gain all the way up and the 2nd bit is the gain half way up.


  1. This circuit design really sounds good. Well done!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Paul - I got around to building this one this evening. It is one awesome circuit and LOUD too! I see this finding a perm home on my pedal board. I wanted to build the Green Wizard but since I am no fan of Ebay, finding the parts has been, well... Anyways - Thanks for the work you do!

    1. you can get the parts from other places like mouser and stuff - eBay is just where you can find parts cheapest (alot of the time)

  4. Pardon my ignorance, but would there be a way to add a volume/level control to this without changing the sound?

    1. Yeah - its pretty easy - you'll need to experiment with pot values but this is pretty much it...

      Volume pot lug 1: Connect to to ground
      Volume pot lug 2: This is your NEW output
      Volume pot lug 3: Take the output wire from the circuit and connect it here

  5. It looks like the BC182L is pretty close to a 2n3904 (which I have a ton of ). Will those work in the circuit? (I know, the pinout is reversed between the BC182 and 2N3904)

    1. the 2n3904 will work but it has a much lower gain - a closer substitute would be the 2N5088
      but it's worth a shot with the 2N3904 - you never know, you might love it

  6. nice sounding overdrive!
    i did mine with 2N2219 (to-39 is more suitable for leg twisting).
    i got one question: would it make sense to socket the input cap? do different caps have an impact to the over-driven sounds?

  7. Hi!, what software are you using to design your stripboard layouts?
    Thank in advance, and congratulations for this goos stuff.

    1. thanks dude - there's a link to the software I use on the "tips and troubleshooting" page

  8. Im not very good at this, hence the (maybe) stupid question. But what is the orientation of the capacitors? as in where do i place the + or the - side..

    1. for every electrolytic capacitor on the cirquit C2, C7, C4 , minus(-) side points to the bottom of the veroboard.

  9. Hi. Slightly confused. How to I wire up the pot. Is 1 and 2 to ground ? Where does three go to E
