
Tuesday 4 August 2020

Why I Rarely Post Projects Anymore

Alot of my projects are things I've thought of (unless otherwise noted) and over the years I've gotten a bit pissed off with people building my stuff, selling it on without even bothering to credit me in anyway. I don't care if people build/sell this stuff but one of the unwritten rules of open source stuff is that you always credit the original person.

I've seen many of my projects floating around being sold by various people with no mention or link to where it came from and it put me off sharing stuff so I simply stopped bothering putting effort into posting here. But seeing this on eBay was the straw that broke the camels back. 

people within "open source" give you stuff they've spent time and money developing - the very least you can do is respect them enough to link to the original post and/or credit them ESPECIALLY if you're making money out of them.



  1. I appreciate your work, Paul. I really like the Greg Fryer Treble Booster layout and your Phono Preamp design as well. I could understand being irritated by seeing others profiting from your work, no doubt. But please know there are many of us who appreciate your generosity and DIY spirit. Thank you!

    1. thanks Don, I don't mind if people build and sell stuff from here, it's just the lack of credit or link backs that irritate me.

  2. Your frustration is understandable to say the least...

    When I first got into the hobby electronics world of DIY guitar pedals I was excited to share. In fact, I like sharing, more than that I like teaching and helping people have that "AHA" moment. But I've seen one too many person's just grabbing a schematic and turning it into a PCB where the schematic was not even thoughtfully processed. The same strange layout is basically copied....straight up...and these individuals are making money off of it.
    Its not only the credit, which I think is important for acknowledgement, but also the process of idea expansion. I believe that knowing who worked on the idea beforehand helps spur curiosity about what other ideas the previous tinkerer had about other projects and how they may be influential in your own development. Nevertheless, I understand not everyone will have that level of curiosity or appreciation.

    It is a concern, because while I am currently working on a project which I think would greatly help many people, I am at the same time cautious to post the actual schematic for others to help me further develop. But to be honest, this fear of under-appreciation and theft saps my motivation to further develop it.

    For what its' worth, I've always enjoyed the posts of yours that I have read.

  3. Hi paul i made my treble booster greg fryer and the deacy amp thanks to you.
    I even disrespectfully sell your work. according to me when we make from YOUR plans we have to keep it for ourselves or really credit to say that it is thanks to you that everything was possible

    1. I totally agree with you.
      I've started building my pedals and amps thanks to this blog.
      Thanks Paul

  4. Devils Triangle video build and demo here, I've mentioned you a fair bit in here and put links to your vero circuit. Cheers was really fun to build this and your theremin circuit. Thanks.

  5. Vid link here:

  6. Thanks for your layouts and effort. I don't build much just the stuff I use but love looking. Sorry some azzhats have ruined it for you...

  7. I'm genuinely sorry that this happened to you. I just found this little resource and I am excited to try out all your ideas, especially for amplifiers. I respect what you do and what you have done. Sorry people ruined it.

  8. hi, Paul,

    I totally agree with what you say,
    I'm not a developer, I'm only building, I've never sold one yet of anything,
    I mean, I am in this aspect a pure normal outsider :) with an inside view..

    Totally agree with you, people are downright zombies... really...
    I respect A.I., I respect all living creatures, humans, too, but not all of them :)

    This reckless copying is a global phenomenon, also, it is there in every dimension of life...
    people copy ANYTHING, ANYTIME without hesitation...
    and after copying they use it like theirs...

    blatantly, which means they are not intelligent to the least...
    that is, nothing to be respected in them...

    I've seen instructable posts, for example, and typically, everytime (5 times out of five) I had to
    register, log in, or realize that I had already registered, and log in, and leave a comment that
    the original of that post should be mentioned...

    after about the 3rd such incident, I realized they don't even understand what I was trying to say...
    not to mention what the reason could be behind that :)

    I concluded that they play a game and know the rules, and their game is about
    posting something...
    and their rules don't care about the originals...
    for them, originals are just there like apples on the trees... for them to take..

    this is a cultural eclipse, no doubt...

    BUT... AND...

    your contributions are great, and people within this culture (okay, I'm in this, too, absolutely, I'm not an outsider anymore)
    absolutely appreciate your work, your thoughts, your style...

    One suggestion: do not give in, keep up! :)

    other: take the Jack Orman path, right now, and print it on every image in your website that "do not copy this, you'll be sued, copying, resposting is NOT PERMITTED"

    3rd: you should think up something :)

    4th: this is a suggestion for all of us, people, players should be introduced to this culture...
    should be educated by pedal builders not to buy crap copies, indecent remakes... (just like they don't buy stolen instruments)

    I think, this could be the new wave of free stompboxes! but seriously! :)

    thanks for your contribution to this beautiful culture!


  9. I would like to thank you for your work, and I think that you have already affected countless people in the diy community (certainly me), through sharing your designs/mods and knowledge. Even though I do not build circuits to sell, I certainly acknowledge your work by name, when someone asks me where I found that great circuit/idea that I built. Sorry that you suffer the lack of positive ethics from some of the people you wrote about
    Respect from Iceland

  10. I've not visited this site in a few years (move to a new state, etc.) since life changes seem to take more time than originally realizing. The point is, truly sad to see things like this happen. Unfortunately, it is a sign of the times and the culture that was allowed to expand. A paywall option could be a thing but that too has it's own issues. Truly disappointing to see this as Paul allowed me to use one of his and actually suggested some mods after I made some changes. For me, it's always been about building for my own use. I still have that build on display in me "lab" (garage) and still gain inspiration from it.

  11. Some people do suck …I’ve learned so much from your projects and I would never sell your designs commercially, let alone not giving credit for your designs at a minimum. I hope you reconsider posting new projects.

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