
Saturday 26 December 2015

Piss Off batteriser

when doing the admin part of this site,nothing infuriates me more than having a company trying to advertise their snakeoil products in the comments section.
I often get comments where someone has copied a bit of the text from my blog post and then shoved a link to some crappy product after it and usually I just delete it but given the fact that Batteriser has been so underhanded and dishonest about everything they do and claim - I thought I would call this one out.

Dave Jones from the EEVblog has debunked their product in just about every way imaginable and they've done some hilarious reply videos to him where some "engineer" is sat at a table with an oscilloscope hooked up to its own 1Khz reference/cal signal (with very badly compensated probes), some wires and boards and a suspiciously new and cheap looking soldering iron; explaining why Dave is wrong. then, when that failed they just paid people to downvote his videos.

so Batteriser, do not advertise your shitty, useless products on my site.

Daves Videos